

Thank you for taking the time to see my stuff! Navigation is on the left hand side, divided into sections:

About - My own work in my own words.  Also a reference from Dr Tom Maguire of University of Ulster.

Services - What I can offer.  When people ask me what do I do for a living, I suppose the easiest way to answer them is "Theatre Stuff!"

Gallery - Pictures and Videos of my previous work.  There's loads in there so I hope your internet connection is very good!

Résumé - My C.V. with all the details.

Blog - What I've been up to.

Contact - I'm pretty nifty with the e-mails, I check usually every day or two and for me is the handiest means of communication.  Bookings over e-mail will later be confirmed via phone.

Well that's it in a nutshell. Don't get lost now!
